How long do you need to get to your office?

Hong Kong is a nice place with lots of offices and most of those are cramped up on Hong Kong Island, often around the Central area. Therefore, a lot of people are rushing onto HK Island day after day, from the outlying islands, Kowloon the dark side or some even from Macau or China Mainland.

As we recently moved office, I finally got my direct sea harbour view and (coincidentally) got the office closer to my apartment. 🙂 For some reason, I woke up 5:45 this morning and could not go back to sleep again. I guess my usual sleeping pattern of around 7 hours worked last night too as I went to bed quite early. It was quite a weird feeling to walk through the streets of HK with barely any people out there. I passed may be 100 people on my walk and that is a crazy low number for a walk of a little less than 1 km. I even stopped by an ATM to get some cash and then continued walking.

At fluffy 24ºC and 57% humidity it took me pretty much exactly 8 minutes and 45 seconds door to door from home to the office (including the ATM stop).

How long do you need to get to work?

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BBQ a.k.a. Meat Feasting

Auch wenn nicht alle der Einladung folgen konnten, so wurde doch ordentlich was auf den Grill geschmissen! Neben den üblichen Verdächtigen wie Schwein, Rind (China, Aussie-Normal & Rib-Eye) und Hähnchen-Filets, gabs diesmal u.a. auch Chicken-Wings, Thunfish und Krokodil. Der Host hat natürlich die deutschen Tugenden hochgehalten und stets ein kühles Bier am Start gehabt.

bbq-1 bbq-2

Die nächste Barbie kommt bald!

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